Saturday, August 20, 2022

What Have I Been Up To?

 I predominantly post on Tumblr these days (or Instagram) but I was updating a few things around ye olde website and figured I'd cross post this from my other account. 

I set a goal for myself in the Spring that I would take this summer for myself and write a little bit of original fiction. The first in the series is available on Kindle, with the second one coming up in September. 

I had a hard time moving back to rural Maryland after living in a big city for so long, so I thought maybe writing a comically quaint town based on some of the towns near where I live would help me fall in love with my surroundings. I’m not sure it’s worked, but I definitely enjoy finding new aspects of the area to describe. 

For instance, the coffee shop where a lot of these stories are centered, Devil’s Stomping Grounds, is based on a courtyard where my therapist’s office used to be. It was called Locust Lane and there was a little stage, and the businesses were tucked back from the main street, creating a unique little amphitheater. I used to come out of her office and thing, “If I could have a business here, they’d all be gay coffee shops and hair salons and galleries.” Then I started to actually map out how I wanted it to be, and that became the main hub for Quaint City.

I also wanted to make sure that these stories were lower conflict, because I can’t handle the stress of longer books sometimes, and that they were quick, easy reads. I have a hard time staying focused lately when I read, so I wanted to make sure I was catering to people like me who  might also just need a little break instead of a huge time commitment. 

I’ve found this process interesting, and I’m still learning a lot about it. I spent almost nine months researching other authors who have self-published and advice that they have, but in the end I’ve still messed things up. But that’s part of the learning process. It’ll be interesting to keep growing and seeing what I can do with this project.

Anyway, that's what I've been up to. You can find me in a lot of places- YouTube, TikTok, Instagram or Kindle, just plugging away at making a general mess. 

Until Next Time! XoXo- 



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